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Welcome to a series of Yoga Stretches, Flows and Myofascial Release Practices to help revive your body after all your amazing outdoor activities!


Walking, hiking, cycling, running, surfing and multiple other outdoor activities are amazing and so good for our physical and mental health!


But.. How often do you stretch before you jump on a bike and how often do we actually stretch or roll out after all outdoor activities?



A combination of Stretching and Myofascial release have been proven to work magic on those tight sore stiff muscles!


We are offering you a range of stretches, flows and Myofascial release to help you tackle these stiff tight muscle.


You can choose to do the practices in any order. If one day you feel like just stretching - jump into the stretch practice; another day you might want to have a Myofascial Release practice - just grab the balls and enjoy the journey!


The sessions focus on Hips and Hip Flexors; Hamstrings, Quadriceps and Calves; Upper Body Release and a number of other stretches. 3 of the Practices combine both Myofascial Release and a Stretch Practice in one session.

Biker on Mountain Top


We have also included 2 BONUS FLOWS: Happy Hips & a Hamstring Flow


There are a few longer Myofascial Release Sessions offered to you to take your time and give your body and tight tired muscles that much needed release!


I would suggest to try combining stretch and Myofascial release at least on some occasions to give your body some much needed TLC after your fun outdoorsy adventures!


Have fun, enjoy the practices and wishing you loads of new experiences, adventures and laughs this year!


***Please have a yoga block (or similar) and two therapy balls (tennis or doggie balls) available for the Myofascial Release practices and a Yoga Strap (or a belt/resistance band) for some of the stretches***

What's Included


  • Hip Flexor Stretch & MFR (Myofascial Release) Yoga Practice

  • Hamstrings, Quads & Calves Stretch & MFR Yoga Practice

  • Upper Body Release + MFR Yoga Practice

  • BONUS Happy Hips Yoga Flow & Stretch

  • BONUS Hamstring Flow

  • Myofascial Release: Knees & Quads

  • Myofascial Release: Feet & Hamstrings

  • Myofascial Release: Breathing & Traps

  • Myofascial Release: Glutes, TFL & Muscles around SI Joint

  • Myofascial Release:Head, Neck & Upper Body

  • Myofascial Release: Quads


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